Medellin Adopts ‘Pico y Cedula’ for Grocery, Drugs, Banking Trips Starting April 2

The Mayor of Medellin announced April 1 that to reduce Coronavirus threats, only persons with specific cedula numbers can venture out for groceries, drugs and banking – two days each week – starting the first minute after midnight April 2 until the national quarantine ends — presumptively on April 13.
“Each person will have two days a week — between 7:00 a.m. and 8:00 p. m — so that you can provide your home with groceries, medicines and toiletries, and carry out bank procedures,” according to the Mayor’s office.
“This measure will govern as long as the mandatory preventive isolation determined by the national government in decree 457 of 2020 is maintained.”
According to the Mayor, the following cedula numbers are EXEMPT from quarantine for shopping, drugs and banking trips on the following days:
Mondays: Cedula numbers ending in 1-2-3
Tuesdays: Cedula numbers ending in 4-5-6.
Wednesdays: Cedula numbers ending in 7-8-9
Thursdays: Cedula numbers ending in 0-1-2
Fridays: Cedula numbers ending in 3-4-5
Saturdays: Cedula numbers ending in 6-7-8
Sundays: Cedula numbers ending in 0-9
Medellin joins other nearby municipalities including Envigado, Rionegro and El Retiro, all of which have already adopted variable-number “pico y cedula” restrictions on shopping and banking.
In Medellin, violators of “pico y cedula” will face fines of up-to COP$932,0000 (US$228), according to the Mayor.
According to the Colombia Ministry of Health, as of April 1, Medellin/Antioquia accounted for 107 of the 1,065 Coronavirus cases nationally, of which nationally 17 have died –none in Antioquia — and 39 have fully recovered so far.