September 18, 2024

Medellin-Based Companies Score High in 2016 Merco Reputation Rankings

Medellin-based Bancolombia – Colombia’s biggest bank – once again took first place over-all in the latest Merco rankings for best reputations among Colombian companies.

Taking second place was Medellin-based food-products giant Nutresa, with Cementos Argos taking fourth place. Medellin-based Grupo Sura (insurance, finance) took eighth place; Grupo EPM (public utilities) came in ninth and Grupo Exito (supermarkets, retail) took 10th place in the Merco rankings.

Other Medellin and Antioquia-based companies in the Merco top 100 include soft-drink maker Postobon (14th); electric power producer Isagen (16th); national electricity grid operator ISA (21st); metro-rail, bus and cable-car operator Metro de Medellin (22nd); home appliance manufacturer Haceb (37th); telecom-internet giant Tigo-Une (59th); bathroom-tissue maker Grupo Familia (60th); Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe (63rd); dairy producer Colanta (67th); Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundacion (69th); automobile assembler Renault-Sofasa (74th); pension and investment manager AFP Proteccion (75th);  electric power producer Celsia (84th); women’s underwear maker Leonisa (92nd); and construction giant Conconcreto (93rd).

Top leaders

Among Colombia’s top corporate leaders ranked in the survey were Medellin-based David Bojanini, president of insurance/financial giant Grupo Sura (ranked 3rd  over-all); Carlos Mario Giraldo, president of Grupo Exito (4th); Grupo Nutresa president Carlos Ignacio Gallego (5th); and now-retired Grupo Bancolombia president Carlos Raul Yepes (7th).

Other Medellin corporate leaders in the Merco top 100 include Grupo Argos president Jorge Mario Velazquez (11th); current Bancolombia president Juan Carlos Mora (13th); Cementos Argos president Juan Esteban Calle (16th); EPM president Jorge Londoño de la Cuesta (18th); former Grupo Argos president Jose Alberto Velez (22nd); Eafit University president Juan Luis Mejia (25th); Andi president Bruce MacMaster (29th); Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe president Andres Aguirre (35th); Industrias Haceb president Cipriano Lopez (36th); Isagen president Luis Fernando Rico (41st); Postobon president Miguel Fernando Escobar (47th); ISA president Bernardo Vargas Gibsone (48th); former Metro de Medellin director Claudia Patricia Restrepo (49th); Colanta president Jenaro Perez (54th); Conconcreto president Juan Luis Aristizabal (56th); former VivaColombia president Juan Emilio Posada (61st); former AFP Proteccion president Mauricio Toro Bridge (76th); current AFP Proteccion president Juan David Correa (79th); former Grupo Familia president Dario Rey Mora (82nd) and former Tigo-Une president Esteban Iriarte (87th).             

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