Merco Ranking: Medellin-Based Corporations Best in Colombia

Spain-based corporate-reputation analyst Merco found in a new survey and study that Medellin-based Grupo Bancolombia is now the highest-ranked company in Colombia — and led by Colombia’s best corporate leader: Carlos Raúl Yepes (see photo, above).
In the latest study, banking giant Bancolombia leaped over Colombian national oil company Ecopetrol to take first place over-all in the survey.
Second to Bancolombia in Merco’s study of national corporate reputation is Medellin-based food manufacturer Grupo Nutresa.
Among Colombia’s top-10 corporate leaders (besides Bancolombia’s Yepes) are six other Medellin-based executives, including Arturo Calle (of clothing retailer Comercializadora Arturo Calle); David Bojanini (of insurance giant Grupo Sura); Carlos Mario Giraldo (of chain retailer Grupo Exito); Carlos Ignacio Gallego Palacio (of food giant Grupo Nutresa); and Jose Alberto Velez Cadavid (of cement giant Grupo Argos).
The findings in the eighth edition of the Merco study are based on a survey of nearly 1,000 top Colombian executives, more than 400 independent observers (including financial industry analysts, consumer groups, financial journalists, human-rights advocates and union leaders), and more than 25,000 total ratings, according to Merco.
Among other Medellin-based companies that ranked in the top-10 of the latest Merco study include public-utilities giant EPM, insurance giant Grupo Sura, chain retailer Grupo Exito and cement producer Cementos Argos.
Rounding out the top-25 companies include Medellin-based power giants ISA (15th place) and Isagen (16); public-transport operator Metro de Medellin (18); and metro-Medellin appliance manufacturer Industrias Haceb (24).
Other Medellin-based companies in the top-100 include telecom-internet giant UNE (33); soft-drink giant Postobon (37); conglomerate Grupo Orbis (45); clothing retailer Comercializadora Arturo Calle (50); paper-products giant Grupo Familia (60); Hospital Pablo Tobon Uribe (63); dairy producer Colanta (67); Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundacion (69); automotive assembler Renault-Sofasa (74); pension-fund administrator AFP Proteccion (75); power producer Celsia (84); women’s-wear manufacturer Leonisa (92); and residential/commercial builder Conconcreto (93).
The Merco rankings are based upon corporate financial results, corporate stability, quality of corporate information, quality of products and services, brand recognition and prestige, and ethical/professional reputation.