January 20, 2025

Uber Relaunches App-Based Alternative Taxi Services in Colombia

Uber-Colombia announced February 20 that it’s relaunching computerized application-based alternative taxi services, which had been terminated February 1 because the Colombian government ruled that Uber had failed to comply with all legal requirements for such services.

According to the announcement (in Spanish, see: https://www.uber.com/es-SV/blog/uber-se-reinventa-por-colombia/) the newly revised service, “which is temporary, allows [customers] to reach [their] destination by renting a car with a driver. How? By accepting a contract through our application on each occasion and each product, with one additional click.

“In addition, you can customize the conditions of your experience with the [vehicle operator], such as deciding the route you want to follow or the music you want to listen to.

“We want to build an inclusive, flexible, friendly and accessible community for all … It is our commitment to Colombia. #UberSeReinventaPorColombiaUber reinvents itself to operate again in Colombia and is already providing services.

“Starting at 8 a.m. today February 20, Uber restarted its operation in Colombia . . . We will also offer various services that include traditional and new media such as taxis, so that everyone has the opportunity to take advantage of technology to provide a better service.

“The new platform will offer five services to Colombians: By hours [PorHoras], which will allow people to rent a vehicle with a driver and pay for the time they use it; ‘UberYa,’ with which people can rent a vehicle with driver to move around the city in an agile and reliable way.

“Another of the services will be ‘Economy,’ by which you can rent vehicles with a driver that will include vehicles with not-so-recent models, which can be accessed at a lower price, and will not be available in all cities of Colombia.

“’Comfort’ will be the premium alternative with which you can rent more modern vehicles with driver; ‘Uber XL’ will be aimed at large groups and advise dividing the rental price among all to save,” according to the company.

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