February 16, 2025
General News

Medellin’s ‘Ruta N,’ Convention & Visitors Bureau Tout Hits, Initiatives

The “Ruta N” high-tech innovation center partly funded by the Medellin city government announced November 10 the launch of an “Innovation Managers II” program, which aims to help 121 local companies train 261 managers in corporate innovation projects.

The latest initiative follows on the heels of “Innovation Managers 2015,” which led to the creation of 377 professional positions in 318 companies, according to the organization (see ‘Ruta N a High-Tech Investment Opportunity,’ Medellin Herald 07/16/2016).

On a related front,  China-based technology giant Huawei – which recently inked a networking alliance with Medellin-based internet/telecom provider TigoUne — is set to announce an important investment in a research & development center at Ruta N, according to a November 6 report from local newspaper El Colombiano.

Medellin Sets All-Time Record for Business Conventions

Meanwhile, the Medellin Convention and Visitors Bureau reported November 4 that the city will host 17 international and national conferences this month – up 89% year-on-year, and an all-time record for monthly convention growth.

“Of the 17 events to be held, 10 are international, and organizers expect more than 6,100 attendees from Colombia, Austria, Venezuela, Mexico, France, Costa Rica and the United States, among others,” according to the Bureau.

International events to be held this month include the annual Ibero-American Meeting of Academies of Sciences (IANAS); the International Water Fair (IFAD); the Latin American Congress of Students of Industrial Engineering (CLEIN); the IX International Congress of Experts in Documentation (SIPDO); the 1st South American Governance Congress – GOBERNAMED 2016; the XVI Latin American Congress on Sleep Disorders and the XII Colombian Congress of Sleep Medicine; the XVII Latin American Congress of the Association of Faculties, Schools and Institutes of Law of Latin America (AFEIDAL); the Conference of the International Council of Governmental Administrations (ICT); the Annual Meeting of the Association of Economics of Latin America and the Caribbean (LACEA) and the Latin American Econometric Society (LAMES), and the Summit onTechnology Transfer, TTS Latin America (Technology Transfer Summit).

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